Thursday, November 15, 2012

Week In Brief 5th November to 10th November 2012

Be The Change You Want to See in the World
-Mahatma Gandhi
The wisdom of this well known axiom is probably the most ignored advice in the world. When you fully understand what this axiom means, you will begin to realize that there is something terribly wrong in “fighting” for peace. You cannot bring peace to the world until you are at peace with yourself. You cannot build trust, unless you live trust.
The quality you are trying to build in the world must exist within you before it can exist in your world. This is because the world you experience is a reflection of who you are in your mind—your values and beliefs.
 “We do not see things as they are but as we are.”
        The Talmud

             If you want to see the world differently then stop filtering the world through your beliefs or change your beliefs. If you really want to interact with the world differently try not judge or label what you see. The label you use tells you more about who you are than the situation or person you are labeling. You cannot possibly understand why a person is behaving in the way they are behaving unless you know their complete history.
            You should also let your actions be driven by the values of your soul; not by your ego’s beliefs. Let the “inspiration” of your soul guide your actions in everything that you do. What you will discover is that your ultimate passion is to give your gift—make the talents you have, available to the world.

“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know; the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve”

Albert Schweitzer

Below is a small video clip…Many of You would have seen it, but it is worth watching again…

So this time we have a very young and vibrant person for the feature…Ms Jubey Varghese, Admin Manager- Edappally.

Jubey has a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Application and a Masters degree in Business Administration. She has also earned a Post Graduate Diploma in e Governance, and is one of the 164 people in India who has earned the qualification. Before joining IPSR Jubey was working with APTECH, Chennai as a HR. Within a short span of time in IPSR she has proved herself very well...

Talking more about Jubey, she is a Dancer…and has performed in more than 50 stages…She has been trained in Classical Dance in her childhood and later on became an expert in semi classical dance… Jubey had been selected to perform in The International Dance Competition held in Germany. Also she was a TV anchor of the show Seen & Songs for Cochin Cable Communications…Besides Dancing Jubey is interested in Badminton…for which she has won many prizes in the school level…She has also Won First Prize in the National Level Social Science Exhibition in Jalandhar…

Jubey has also won many prizes in Clay Modeling, Vegetable Carving and Jewelry designing...Photos of which has been added below…

Great work Jubey…Feels really happy to see that IPSR is having so many talented employees…

IPSR is really happy to have you here...

A Moment of PRIDE for IPSR…..

“Seldom we do RHCA batches with more than 5 candidates....IPSR is made this happen with 9 candidates in a single batch.” - REDHAT

This statement made by the RedHat is truly a great achievement for IPSR…All the hard works, dedications, and services have been rewarded...

Congratulations to each and every one behind the great success…Mrs Benila Mendus, Mr Maurice Robert, Mr Nibin Sunny, Mr Mojan K Iype You all have really made IPSR proud.


Ms Dhanya S Nair has been blessed with a baby Boy…Congratulations Dhanya….!!!God Bless Your Family..

Ratheesh & Sandhya

Mr Ratheesh, Consultant CISCO Division, Calicut got engaged to Ms Sandhya..

Congratulations Ratheesh…

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