Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy May Day to all Ipsrians

May 1st is a day of special significance for the labour movement. It’s a day of worldwide solidarity. A time to remember past struggles and demonstrate our hope for a better tomorrow. But why we celebrate Mayday?

The origin of the May Day as a day for celebration dates far back to the days, even before the birth of Jesus Christ. And like many ancient festivals it too has a Pagan connection. For the Druids of the British Isles, May 1 was the second most important holiday of the year. It was one of those ancient New Year rites performed throughout the world. They set fire on the day and the fire itself was thought to lend life to the rising springtime. Cattle were driven through the fire to purify. Men, with their sweethearts, passed through the smoke for seeing good luck. The beginning of May was a very popular feast time for the Romans. It was devoted primarily to the worship of Flora, the goddess of flowers. The Romans brought in the rituals of the Floralia festival in the British Isles. And gradually the rituals of the Floralia were added to world culture.

Warm May Day Wishes!! hope for a better Tomorrow!!!

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