Thursday, September 23, 2010

WEEK IN BRIEF-20-25 September,2010

Quote for the week:
"Water continually dropping will wear hard rocks hollow."- Plutarch

Lucius Mestrius Plutarch - the famous historian, biographer and essayist in ancient Greece, conveys the value of perseverance through these words. Perseverance is the ability to pursue our dream, regardless of the obstacles on the way to achieve it. It is the key to success; after thousands of efforts to make the electric bulb Thomas Edison said, “I haven’t failed, I’ve identified 10,000 ways that it doesn’t work.” People like Helen Keller, Abraham Lincoln and an endless list of other great achievers found that success inevitably arrives for everyone who perseveres. Patience and perseverance have a magical effect; before that difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. Remember, people do not succeed because they are destined to; it is because they are determined to.

Week in Brief @IPSR

Welcome back!!

Dr.Mendus Jacob, our MD & CEO has returned after his week long trip to Indonesia. There has been an international achievement for IPSR.The Official announcement of the same will be held next week. Watch out for the next edition of WEEK IN BRIEF to find out what’s in store and also for more snaps of his Indonesia trip.

New faces on the block:

We have a new face in the Kottayam branch. Some of the senior staff of ipsr might already know her. She is Mrs.Alleykutty Mathew, who was a former employee of IPSR from 1999 to 2003.She is now back in ipsr in the Administration department. We welcome you to ipsr.

A ‘punch’ to late coming:

Mr.Majesh.S of the Software Training division has conquered the Punching system and proved that punctuality is not a difficult thing. He has so far recorded a total of only 19 late minutes in his punching log from January 2010 till date! This is even lesser than the monthly permissible limit of 30 late minutes. Keep up the good work Mr.Majesh! May all follow your lead.

New Blooms in Vibrant IPSR!

We are happy to let you all know that “WEEK IN BRIEF” series has so far posted 10 editions in Vibrant IPSR.Hope it has given you a good reading and kept you up-to-date about the news and events, big and small, in IPSR.Do let us know about your thoughts and suggestions on this series. It is your valuable suggestions and contributions that make Vibrant IPSR fulfill its purpose-to serve as a platform to express YOUR thoughts and ideas as an IPSRian.

Now coming to the interesting part. We would like to start some new series of posts in Vibrant IPSR.You too can be a part of it! Have you got any interesting stories from your professional life that you would like to share with us?? Can you recollect any scintillating experiences you had as a token of appreciation of your good work from a client or from a student?? If so, you can share it with us. We will check them out and post it in Vibrant IPSR.All you have to do is draft your story / experience and send it to We will take up the rest from there.

Vibrant IPSR is waiting for your posts! Make one today.

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